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Buccaneers Secret New Meta Defense is the newest and best defense for Madden 22
Madden 22 Buccaneers Secret New Meta Defense for Next Gen
Consoles: Next Gen (PS5 & Series X)
Release Date 9/21/21
Updates: Yes
Price $29.99 (One Time Payment)
Hands down the best defense in Madden 22. This ebook contains the secrets that most pros dont even know about. 3 and 4 man blitzes that come in even vs max protect, slide protection id’ing the mike, we also have the best disguised coverage, this will lock up all the most popular offenses in Madden 22, We have discovered hidden secrets that allow you to play total coverage and still bring untouched heat vs a blocked Running Back, We also show you how to stop all these QB runs & rollouts, along with run defense that will force your opponent to pass & that works to your advantage. This is a defense that will win you tournaments and superbowls in MUT. I guarantee this ebook will make you a ton better at Madden 22 no matter your skill level. Get it now and start having fun on defense. Here is 1 example of one of just the beginner blitzes this ebook contains.
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