The Screamers
4-3 Under A-B Gap Turbo (Post Patch 2) Several other ways to run this play (see video)
Setups must be done in this order or blitzes will not work correctly, These blitzes will not work well in practice mode, play a solo challenge, or a friend to lab the setups.
Version 1:
This is the setup that we most commonly use against under center formations, but will still works vs gun & pistol.
Plays Used:
Any stock play
1. Sub your fastest DE’s into both DT spots, Sub your fastest LBs into the DE positions.
2. Flip the play at play call screen
3. Once you break the huddle shift D-line left & base allign
4. Blitz both OLB’s
5. Once your d-line is set, crash line down
6. Get on the left Defensive end (right side of screen when looking at it), move him over to the left two notches and hold R2 and L1 until the ball is snapped
You will get an a or b gap, that will either come from the guy you are turboing with, or the opposite side.
This version can also be ran non flipped, just reverse the setup, most reliable flipped
Version 2
Setups must be done in this order or blitzes will not work correctly
This is the setup that we most commonly use against gun & pistol center formations,
Plays Used:
Any stock play
1. Sub your fastest DE’s into both DT spots, Sub your fastest LBs into the DE positions.
2. Flip the play at play call screen
3. Once you break the huddle shift D-line left & base allign
4. Blitz the ROLB
5. Once your d-line is set, crash line down
6. Get on the right Defensive end (left side of screen when looking at it), move him over to the right one notch and hold R2 and L1 until the ball is snapped
You will get an a or b gap, that will either come from the guy you are turboing with, or the DT next to him
This version can also be ran non flipped, just reverse the setup, most reliable flipped
4-3 Over Plus B Gap Turbo
This Play can be flipped and you can bring pressure from the right or left side
Plays Used:
Setup: (Flipped version) If you are running this play unflipped use reverse setup.
1. Sub your fastest personel into the DE and DT positons
2. Flip the play at playcall screen
3. Base allign & show blitz as soon as you break huddle
4. Once your line sets, crash them down
5. Blitz the ROLB or both OLBs
6. Get on the left side DE, move him over to the right two notches and hold R2 and L1 until the ball is snapped
Steps must be done in this exact order, for blitz to work.
You will get an a or b-gap turbo
Nickel 3-3-5 Normal A-Gap Blitz # 1
These blitzes will not work well in practice mode, play a solo challenge, or a friend to lab the setups.
Steps must be done in this exact order, for blitz to work.
Plays Used:
1. Cover 2 Man
2. Cover 1 Robber
3. Cover 2 sink
1. Sub your fastest DE’s or LBs into both DE spots, The RE is the most important with this setup.
2. Flip play @ playcall screen
3. Once you break huddle shift D-line & Lbs right.
4. Base allign.
5. Once your d-line is set crash them down.
6. Put the DT in a spy
7. Get on the right Defensive end (left side of screen when looking at it), move him over to the right one notch and hold R2 and L1 until the ball is snapped
Version 2:
These blitzes will not work well in practice mode, play a solo challenge, or a friend to lab the setups.
Steps must be done in this exact order, for blitz to work.
Plays Used:
1. Cover 2
2. Crash 2
3. 3 Overload Press
4. Nickel LB Blitz
1. Sub your fastest DE’s or LBs into both DE spots, The LE is the most important with this setup.
2. Once you break huddle shift D-line & Lbs left.
3. Base allign.
4. Once your d-line is set crash them down.
5. Get on the left Defensive end (right side of screen when looking at it), move him over to the left one notch and hold R2 and L1 until the ball is snapped
Inside Blitz (4-6 Normal) Flipped (Edge Heat)
1. (Optional) Use Speed Package
2. Flip the play @ playcall screen
3. Base allign & show blitz
Slant Show 2 (Nickel Normal)
1. Base Align
2. Show Blitz
3. Crash Defensive Line Down
4. Coverage the Right of Screen DT (Spy)
5. Coverage the Right of Screen Defensive End
6. (Optional) Use QB Contain
Play Action Killers Part 1
Play Used: Overload 3 Seam (Quarters Normal)
1. (Optional) Base allign
2. Show Blitz
3. Move the LB over a couple of steps, as seen in video
4. Pass Comitt
See Video, This blitz will work against most playaction passes in the game, but there are a few formations it will not
Overload 3 Seam Quarters Normal (Flipped) (Play action Defense)
1. Flip Play @ Play Call screen
2. Show Blitz & Base allign
3. Pass Commit
4. Blitz the Nickleback (left side of screen)
5. Lurk with safety thats in a yellow zone